Nina Simone – Sinnerman – YouTube | ||
Nina Simone – Sinnerman |
Wray Is Just Another FBI Lawyer In Charge Of Agents Who Deserve Better |
In my as always very humble opinion, the FBI’s problem is not that it is led by the lawyers, it is the only way to lead it. FBI’s problem as an organisation is its phenomenal, indescribable STUPIDITY. On the individual level, I am sure, they have many very bright and exceptional people but as the organisation, which as the functioning entity is very different from the individuals and the individual psychology, it is dense, as non-transparent as it gets, deeply dysfunctional, almost incompetent in some matters, reticent, backward, slow, as non-creative as it gets, etc., etc..
Their second most important problem, as paradoxically as it sounds, is COWARDICE which they constantly try to hide and to cover up with the claimed and made-up stories and narratives of their “heroism”, as the psychological mechanism of overcompensation. They probably go to work for the FBI, to start with, to try to overcome these feelings and self-perceptions as cowards and inadequate personalities. It is just like the shy kid wants to join the street gang to feel more adequate as the part of the group. The gang principles and psychology are the main underpinnings of the FBI membership as the organisation.
“The Hero with the Feet of Clay on a Pedestal Syndrome”, this formula comes to mind when reading the rather astute observations of the American public’s attitudes, rather ambivalent and complex, towards their heroes and public figures:
“American society”, mused Dr Lief, the psychiatrist who thinks the facts indicate Hoover would have made a perfect high-level Nazi, “has a strangely polarised attitude towards its heroes. On the one hand people love to find the idol has clay feet, to find the flaw in the famous man. On the other, they are reluctant to take the hero off his pedestal. This is a curious contradiction in our society, and sometimes a dangerous one.”
The studies of the FBI’s founding father’s personality might serve as the good illustration of these complexities:
“Dr John Money, professor of medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University, thought Hoover “needed constantly to destroy other people in order to maintain himself. He managed to live with his conflict by making others pay the price.” Dr Harold Lief, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, concluded that Hoover suffered from “a personality disorder, a narcissistic disorder with mixed obsessive features… paranoid elements, undue suspiciousness and some sadism. A combination of narcissism and paranoia produces what is known as an authoritarian personality. Hoover would have made a perfect high-level Nazi.”
When J.E. Hoover was criticized in Congress for the lack of personal participation in the busting operations, which implied his lack of bravery, he made a point of been properly photographed with a big machine gun in his hands and the fierce expression on his face, and made sure that this story received the broad press coverage.
“Hoover hogged the limelight when the thugs were killed or captured and was jealous and vindictive when it fell instead on one of his proteges.”
This is their tradition. That’s how they manage their publicity. Not much changed after all these years.
They also use (subconsciously, of course) the psychological mechanism of projection: they assume that the rest of the world is just as stupid, coward, and saturated with the hidden, covert and overt criminal tendencies, just like they are themselves.
The story of John Connolly is the case in point:
“Former FBI agent John Connolly crossed over into corruption while handling criminal informants such as James “Whitey” Bulger, and was later convicted of racketeering and second-degree murder.”
John Connolly – Former FBI Agent, Criminal – Biography
Sep 17, 2015 – Former FBI agent John Connolly crossed over into corruption while handling criminal informants such as James “Whitey” Bulger, and was later …
The human body does not contain enough fluids to properly spit on this attitude. “Ty, sons, Chickens!”.
The main thing they care about is their nice and easy life, good salaries, “careers” (that what they would kill for), fringe benefits, travel, and the incalculable perks to make them happy. And mostly, the sense of the (almost religious) brotherhood, and above all, “POWER”! Norman Mailer was absolutely correct when he called the FBI “a high church for the true mediocre”. it was the truth in his time, and this is the truth now. Most likely, it will be the truth tomorrow if the FBI is not abolished and replaced with something more healthy as the organisation.
The poor little things do not even know what the “power” is. For them, it is something to make them feel important and satisfied.
With the soldiers like that no one should be surprised that America appears to be in deep shit (not the deep state). Thank God, it is just an appearance.
The series of high caliber studies are needed to determine why, I do not know, WHY. But it is a problem. It has to be dealt with regardless of the exact diagnosis, on the empirical and the common sense basis.
It is impossible to think and to write on this subject without experiencing deep frustration, anger, bitterness, and disappointment.
Michael Novakhov
9:12 AM 8/3/2018
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Wray Is Just Another FBI Lawyer In Charge Of Agents Who Deserve Better | ||||
Christopher Wray was sworn in as the eighth Director of the FBI one year ago. He took the position as America’s top G-man after the national meltdown over the firing of former director James Comey. President Trump fired Comey on May 9, and 29 days later, while still learning to navigate the turbulent waters of the swamp, he formally announced his intention to nominate Wray.
Twenty-nine days is hardly enough time to find a good nanny, but the fledgling Administration not yet five-months-old found their man and placed their bets on Wray’s stellar reputation as a senior government lawyer from the Department of Justice. Wray was a winner on paper, and because grandstanding is what they do, senators on both sides of the aisle fawned over him, receiving assurances he would maintain his independence from Trump. For being in the right place at the right time, Wray was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 92-5, and on Aug. 2, 2017, he was sworn in as FBI Director. In the rush to make the FBI right again, everyone, it seemed, got what they wanted. The politicians were happy. The Administration put out another fire, and the DOJ got another DOJ attorney to take control of the FBI. But a year later, now that the mass hysteria over Comey’s firing has subsided, what exactly did the FBI agents get out of all that drama? As a former FBI agent, I am sorry to report that what they got was more of the same, in the form of yet another company lawyer from the DOJ, at a time when what the agents really needed was leadership in the form of someone who was actually an FBI agent. And because Wray’s ten-year term won’t expire until the year 2027, it is also my duty to report that, sadly, an entire generation of FBI agents will never know what it’s like to be led by one of their own. FBI Directors And The DOJSince officially becoming the Federal Bureau of Investigation 83 years ago, the FBI has had a total of eight Directors. Only two of them had ever served as FBI agents (other agents have taken the top job but only briefly to keep the seat warm as “Acting Director”). Lawyers Are Not LeadersAt the heart of the problem is one simple fact: Lawyers, with few exceptions, are not leaders, they are litigators, wired to interpret and argue the law. In the courtroom or on the bench, lawyers are in their element, but in positions of authority, lawyers and other administrators up through the DOJ chain of command who have never been agents often do not understand and cannot connect in any meaningful way with the agents they try to lead. And without that bond, lawyers default to the lawyer’s playbook to manage the workforce, leaving the agents struggling to operate in what has become a stifling culture of micromanagement. The FBI Response To The IG ReportAnyone who knows anything about FBI agents knows that one of the fastest ways to lose the faith and trust of the men and women of the FBI is to hold them accountable for something they didn’t do. You would think Director Wray would’ve read the memo on that particular point, but apparently he has not, and is showing his true colors as a lawyer from the DOJ in what is one of the signature challenges of his tenure – managing the fallout from the DOJ Inspector General’s Report on the Hillary Clinton e-mail and private server investigation. An Agent-Director For The FBINow, more than ever, with all due respect to Wray, what FBI agents need is an agent to lead them, a gifted and seasoned criminal investigator or counterintelligence agent who, just like them, made the cut after a highly competitive FBI Special Agent selection process, survived the FBI Academy at Quantico, carried a gun and a badge, worked the hard, complex cases, and fought the good bureaucratic fight. Steven G. Noh, CPP® is a former FBI agent who served in the FBI Los Angeles Field Office as an FBI SWAT operator and sniper. A board-certified protection professional, Mr. Noh currently resides in Orange County, CA where he works as a licensed investigator and security consultant specializing in protecting intellectual property from the insider threat. |
Khachaturian – Masquerade Suite – YouTube | ||||
Khachaturian – Masquerade Suite |
Telefon Movie (Mind Control Scene): “Trigger Words” Delivered – YouTube | ||||
Telefon Movie (Mind Control Scene): “Trigger Words” Delivered |
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost | Poetry Foundation | ||||
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningBy Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” from The Poetry of Robert Frost, edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright 1923, © 1969 by Henry Holt and Company, Inc., renewed 1951, by Robert Frost. Reprinted with the permission of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Source: Collected Poems, Prose, & Plays (Library of America, 1995)
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Telefon |
Asylum (7/10) Movie CLIP – In the Past (2005) HD – YouTube | ||||
Asylum (7/10) Movie CLIP – In the Past (2005) HD |
U.S. Intelligence Officials Warn of ‘Pervasive’ Russian Efforts to Disrupt 2018 Elections | ||||
Senior intelligence officials described Russian efforts to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections as deep, real and ongoing, showcasing their efforts to combat a threat President Trump has repeatedly dismissed. |
“This Thing Has Tentacles We Have No Idea About”: Mueller’s American Target List Is Becoming Clearer | ||||
Mueller departs after a closed-door meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
From AP/REX/Shutterstock.
Robert Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s computers was a stunningly difficult feat of counter-intelligence and criminal investigation. The document’s 29 pages were filled with granular details about the clandestine, overseas 2016 election-interference operation. Yet the indictment’s greatest significance may be buried in the facts that Mueller underplayed, and in the possible conspirators—Americans—whose identities the special counsel only teased.
“The thing that this indictment completely changes is it says that the hacking conspiracy wasn’t complete before all of these communications between Russians and Americans took place,” says Susan Hennessey, the executive editor of the blog Lawfare. “It was ongoing, even after WikiLeaks released the D.N.C. material in July 2016. It endured in the period in which we know members of the Trump campaign were communicating with indicted conspirators about the topic of the conspiracy. Whether or not we’re talking about Donald Trump Jr. or someone on the periphery, we still have a lot of missing pieces. But it pretty dramatically increases the possibility that someone actually did cross the line.” Trump Jr. and his dad’s presidential campaign have denied trafficking in stolen Democratic e-mails. The special counsel keeps chipping away, though. “Mueller’s work says these Russian guys were in touch with Americans all over the place,” one congressional investigator says. “And there is a point in the 2016 timeline, after which, if you talked to these people—whether or not you believed they were Russian agents—and said, ‘Hey, I love what WikiLeaks is putting out there. Can you give me some more?,’ you are soliciting goods that you know to be stolen. And that’s a crime.” Mueller’s indictment makes reference to five Americans who were in touch with the Russians through Guccifer 2.0, the hackers’ online front. Two of those individuals have essentially raised their hands: Roger Stone, the gleeful political dirty trickster and longtime Trump adviser, and Lee Stranahan, a reporter for Breitbart News and then Sputnik, a Russian government-controlled media outlet. Both have denied knowing that Guccifer was peddling stolen e-mails. The Smoking Gun, an investigative-journalism Web site, also volunteered that it is the “reporter” who Mueller says was offered stolen e-mails by Guccifer. Mueller describes a fourth American as a “state lobbyist and online source of political news,” who received 2.5 gigs of stolen Democratic data from Guccifer. That fits with the profile of Aaron Nevins, a Florida Republican operative who blogged under the pen name Mark Miewurd (get it?), and who has claimed he was acting as a journalist in seeking out the hacked e-mails. |
Suspected Russian spy caught working inside US Embassy in Moscow – CNN | ||||
Tampa girl, 4, dies after being thrown into river by mother, police say | ||||
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Child dies after allegedly being thrown in Tampa river, mother charged with murder | ||||
A 4-year-old girl has died after her mother apparently threw her in a Tampa river on Thursday, police said. Shakayla Denson, 26, was charged with first-degree felony murder, aggravated child abuse and grand theft auto charges, Tampa police said.
CBS Tampa affiliate WTSP reports that Denson is accused of stealing a car from an auto repair shop, then parking the vehicle near Hillsborough River. Police said she then she walked into the river at about 4 p.m. and left her daughter, Je’Hyrah Daniels, in the water. Denson was taken into custody walking not far from where the child was allegedly dumped in the river. Police said they responded to a report of a child in the water at 4:30 p.m., and a dive team member discovered an unconscious child submerged about 75 feet off shore. “Unfortunately at this point, there are a lot more questions than answers,” said Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan, who called it a “completely tragic event.” “It’s a crazy world we live in,” he said. This is a developing story and will be updated. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Child dies after being thrown from Tampa bridge – CBS News | ||||
Tampa girl, 4, dies after being thrown into river by mother, police say – Fox News | ||||
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Mueller wants to interview Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, lawyer says | ||||
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Special counsel Robert Mueller has requested an interview with Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, who helped set up the now infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to Agalarov’s lawyer. |
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An important clue from Mueller in the Russia collusion probe?Washington Post–59 minutes ago
Critics of Mueller’s investigation, including President Trump, have seized upon the Manafort trial as an example of what Mueller hasn’t produced — specifically, …
Judge orders Stone associate to testify before Mueller grand juryCNN–1 hour ago
Their public statements about a challenge to Mueller came before investigators … grand jury, and it’s the latest sign that Mueller’s team is still investigating Stone.
Mueller wants to interview Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, lawyer says<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>–2 hours ago
The meeting is of keen interest to Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible links to the Trump …
Team Trump’s Explanations for Mueller Tirade Make Less and Less …New York Magazine–2 hours ago
… Jeff Sessions to shut down the Mueller probe … which isn’t possible, since the attorney general recused himself from the investigation more than a year ago.
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Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности • Президент России | ||||
Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности. |
8:05 AM 8/2/2018 – Mr. Mueller, please answer the main question: Who is or are the author(s) of operations “Trump” and “9/11”? | ||||
M.N.: The “Foreign Lobbying” is relatively peanuts, and there is nothing new there. Mr. Mueller, please answer the main question: Who is the author of operations “Trump” and “9/11”? And they strongly appear to be related. How were they designed and conducted? Who are the major players besides those that we already know? What was … Continue reading“8:05 AM 8/2/2018 – Mr. Mueller, please answer the main question: Who is or are the author(s) of operations “Trump” and “9/11”?” |
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Russia investigation: Robert Mueller to reduce investigators’ questions …The Independent–2 hours ago
For months, Mr Mueller has been seeking to question the president as part of his investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 campaign, which is also …
Donald Trump’s tweet calling on Jeff Sessions to end Russia …–3 hours ago
Sanders said Trump wants Mueller’s investigation concluded swiftly without intervention, though Trump has publicly mused as recently as May about interfering …
Strzok demanded declassification, other FBI powers before joining …Fox News–4 hours ago
Strzok’s insistence on keeping the declassification authority raises concerns whether such authority gave the Mueller investigation special capabilities to target …
Team Trump’s Explanations for Mueller Tirade Make Less and Less …New York Magazine–4 hours ago
… Jeff Sessions to shut down the Mueller probe … which isn’t possible, since the attorney general recused himself from the investigation more than a year ago.
Trump says Sessions should end probe, Giuliani says he meant DOJFox News–6 hours ago
As his former campaign chairman stands trial in the Robert Mueller investigation, President Trump went off yesterday, distancing himself from Paul Manafort and …
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The bill is the result of a new policy announced by Putin last July. At a press conference in Yoshkar-Ola, capital of the Mari El Republic (where …
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Sources told the news service that Wagner was controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin — known as “Putin’sCook” because one of his companies, …
German military may recruit foreigners amid Trump, Russia tensions | ||||
The German military, the Bundeswehr, had 21,000 unfilled positions in 2017, and the service is now looking beyond its borders to fill its ranks. |
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Germany’s military is struggling amid rising tensions with Trump and …Business Insider–11 hours ago
The German military, the Bundeswehr, had 21,000 unfilled positions in 2017, and the service is now looking beyond its borders to fill its ranks.