- The Antisemitic Operations of German Intelligence in US, 1996 – 2018
- Michael Novakhov on Antisemitic Operations of German Intelligence in US, 1996 – 2018
- Monica Levinsky as the unwitting agent of German Intelligence, in their effort to push the US to the intervention in Kosovo and the war in the Balkans, which Germany used to solidify their presence in the Balkans.
- The “Manhattan Madam” and
- “Eliott Spitzer Scandal“, recycled and carried over to the Mueller’s Investigation, with the clear antisemitic context.
- “The Abedin-Weiner emails dump and sexting affair“: “Were iz the Antizemitizm here, they both are Zemitezzz! Khe-khe-khe…”
And most likely, many, many others.
See Also:
Three episodes do make a pattern.
The goal of these operations, I think, is to prevent the American politicians of the Jewish ethnic background to come to the positions of Power. Race is everything for the Neo-Nazi German Intelligence.
8:13 AM 8/11/2018
P.S. My Dear friend Yossi! Could you please help our glorious FBI to solve this puzzle? It looks like they are incapable or unwilling to do this by themselves, without a good push. Everyone will be greatful to you in the end.