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Accidents Review Conversations with The Demiurge Interpretations

7:31 AM 8/13/2018 – Accidents Review: "Mollie Tibbetts, Iowa": If interpreted correctly, this hypothetical message apparently aims to point to a Russian hypothesis ("I owe you"), as opposed to the German one (Ollie= Ole). It is possible that the girl was kidnapped, possibly with the participation from the organized crime groups, just to convey this "message". | "Ketron – The Island of Darkness. And The Island of Judgment."

Story image for mollie tibbetts from Fox News

Mollie Tibbetts, University of Iowa student, missing: Bill Hemmer dives …

Fox NewsAug 12, 2018
In a town of just 1,500 people, one of their own vanished when Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old University of Iowa student, went out for a jog and …

Mollie Tibbetts, Iowa: 

“Mo, Ollie (Ole) Ti or Tibbe (you) ibbe(ё)tts, etts (etc.); I owe(a) you”. 
If interpreted correctly, this hypothetical message apparently aims to point to a Russian hypothesis (“I owe you”), as opposed to the German one (Ollie= Ole). 
It is possible that the girl was kidnapped, possibly with the participation from the organized crime groups, just to convey this “message”. 

A little Update:
Brooklyn Iowa: “Brooklyn, I owe you…”
I think, he means that he “owed” me the “answer” in response to calls for his interpretations. 
5:23 AM 8/18/2018

5:44 AM 8/12/2018 – Ketron – The Island of Darkness. And The Island of Judgment. | Google Search asks: Did you mean: puget sound? M.N.: No, I meant exactly the “Pu-get Sound”. Demiurge says: “It sounds like you want to get Putin. Doesn’t it?” I am not out to “get” anyone. I just want it to Sound the Truth and to be the Truth, believe it or not – From my conversations with The Demiurge, Accidents Review – 
“Beebo” – ?”be bold”?

beebo – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for beebo

Richard Russell: rich (reach)-hard Russ-sell: 
“You will come back to the “Russian Hypothesis”, to “Russ-sell” the hard way, after the repudiation of your “German Hypothesis”and “eating your crow”, The Demiurge fumes. 
Or: “The Rich Hard Sell of “Russ”, the Russian Hypothesis, just crashed now on the Ketron Island, the island of darkness and judgment”, the Anti-Demiurge observed with satisfaction.

male emerald crowns of german princes ettsy – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for male emerald crowns of german princes etsy

That’s another crown for you, Ole. You’ve bought the first one, I guess you really liked it. Are these crowns real or fake? 

A little Update – 5:46 AM 8/18/2018
Who the hell is the “Anti-Demiurge”, mentioned above? 
Ideally, it should be the FBI Worldwide, but since they are “Tottenham” dysfunctional and in a state of the perpetual prostration, Worlwide; I really do not know who the heck that mysterious entity is. But it must exist due to the logic of balance: every action is the mother of reaction, stimulus – response rule. 
Without the FBI and the other US Government structures and players, it is impossible to solve this mystery. The problem is that the FBI is not ready and capable at this time, and it is the leading investigative force in all domestic matters. 