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9:03 AM 8/15/2018 – Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39 – USA TODAY

Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39 – USA TODAY
In Brief – Saved Stories

Saved Stories – None
Italian leaders demand resignations at company operating collapsed bridge
Wi-fi could be used to detect weapons and bombs
Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39 – USA TODAY
Italy bridge operator in spotlight as collapse death toll rises
Bolton To Meet Russian Official In Geneva Next Week
Deutsche Welle: Tourists snap up ‘zero euro’ bills with Karl Marx’s image
#EuronewsNow | Rescue efforts are continuing in Genoa
Случаи обрушения мостов в мире
AP Top Stories Aug. 15 A
When a Young Trump Went to Russia – The New Republic
Russian Trolls Amped Up Tweets for Pro-Trump Website’s Content – Bloomberg
Встреча с временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Псковской области Михаилом Ведерниковым
Соболезнования в связи с кончиной Эдуарда Успенского
Rep. Jim Himes: ‘This President Is Engineering a Fear Campaign Within the FBI’ –
GUEST COLUMN: The Russians are back. It’s time to do something. – Red and Black
Was Another FBI Agent Thrown Under the Bus for Trump? – New York Times
As Trump keeps raging at Mueller, another poll shows his lies are … – Washington Post
When Trump faces a negative story, Fox News pivots to the economy – Washington Post
Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is Already Raking in Major Cash For His Corruption – Townhall
Mueller Is Closing in on Roger Stone – Vanity Fair
Banks on alert from FBI about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions – USA TODAY
Trump Blames Attorney General, Fired FBI Agent for Russia Probe – Voice of America
Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Think Mueller Should Try to End Russia Probe before Midterms – National Review
FBI rounds out cyber leadership with key appointments – The Hill
Louisville’s FBI chief departing for job at FBI headquarters – Louisville Business First

Saved Stories 

Saved Stories – None
Italian leaders demand resignations at company operating collapsed bridge

The search for survivors of the Genoa bridge collapse continued as the toll rose 37.
Wi-fi could be used to detect weapons and bombs

A US study has tested out a suspicious object detection system based on ordinary wi-fi.
Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39 – USA TODAY

Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39
The death toll in the collapse of a highway bridge in the northwestern Italian city of Genoa rose to at least 39 on Wednesday, authorities said. At least two people are missing. Many of the victims were found in vehicles that had been crushed by the and more »
Italy bridge operator in spotlight as collapse death toll rises

Rescuers hunted for survivors among huge chunks of debris on Wednesday after a bridge collapse that killed 39, as furious government ministers rounded on the viaduct’s operator, saying it should pay fines and compensation and lose its concession.

Bolton To Meet Russian Official In Geneva Next Week

The Kremlin says preparations are under way for a meeting next week between a Russian official and White House national-security adviser John Bolton.
Deutsche Welle: Tourists snap up ‘zero euro’ bills with Karl Marx’s image

Karl Marx-themed mugs, stickers, magnets and pens do well at the tourism office in the German city of Trier. But a new item, released earlier this year to mark the philosopher’s 200th birthday, is the really big hit. Deutsche Welle
#EuronewsNow | Rescue efforts are continuing in Genoa

From: Euronews
Duration: 02:46

#EuronewsNow | Rescue efforts are continuing in Genoa after a bridge collapsed yesterday. Our correspondent Jessica Saltz tells us more.

Случаи обрушения мостов в мире

From: euronewsru
Duration: 01:28

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AP Top Stories Aug. 15 A

From: AssociatedPress
Duration: 00:56

(15 Aug 2018) Here’s the latest for Wednesday August 15th: Search for more Italy bridge collapse dead; Omarosa says she ‘won’t be bullied’ by Trump; Vermont Democrats nominate transgender candidate for Governor; Wisconsin voters pick candidates to replace Paul Ryan.
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When a Young Trump Went to Russia – The New Republic

The New Republic
When a Young Trump Went to Russia
The New Republic
“The Soviets are reportedly looking a lot more kindly on a possible presidential bid by Donald Trump, the New York builder who has amassed a fortune through real estate speculation and owns a controlling interest in the notorious, organizedcrime
Russian Trolls Amped Up Tweets for Pro-Trump Website’s Content – Bloomberg

Russian Trolls Amped Up Tweets for Pro-Trump Website’s Content
Russia’s social-media trolling operation began stepping up its Twitter presence to new heights in late July 2017 — more than eight months after sowing discord and disinformation in the 2016 presidential election. … dataset of nearly 3 million tweets and more »
Встреча с временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Псковской области Михаилом Ведерниковым

Обсуждались различные вопросы социально-экономического развития, меры по обеспечению транспортной доступности региона.

С временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Псковской области Михаилом Ведерниковым.В.Путин: Проблем много у вас, и они достаточно остро стоят перед областью. Поэтому нужно на них сосредоточить своё внимание. И самое главное – это, конечно, необходимость увеличения доходов граждан. Это совершенно очевидная вещь. Демографические проблемы у вас достаточно острые. Надо посмотреть, что с медициной происходит, проанализировать, и нужно сделать предложения. Я думаю, что по всем этим вопросам мы с Вами сейчас и поговорим. Вы на что хотели обратить внимание?
М.Ведерников: Спасибо большое, Владимир Владимирович.
Хотел бы доложить о том, что, несмотря на сложность исполнения регионального бюджета, регион выполняет все взятые на себя социальные обязательства. С января 2018 года мы выполняем все параметры майских указов Президента 2012 года, активно включились в подготовку и реализацию задач по 204-му указу. Создали региональный стратегический совет и уже направили по всем 12 направлениям работы в федеральные министерства и ведомства свои предложения от региона.
Также хотел обратить внимание на то, что в настоящий момент одним из приоритетных направлений для себя поставили обеспечение транспортной доступности региона. Пользуясь случаем, хотел Вас поблагодарить за поддержку наших инициатив по приватизации компании «Псковавиа». Это не только позволит выйти компании из кризиса, но и даст ей новый виток развития. С октября мы возобновляем авиаперевозки по маршруту Псков – Москва, это важно для развития туристической сферы и промышленного потенциала, и жителями региона эта услуга тоже очень востребована.
В.Путин: Все формальности решены?
М.Ведерников: Мы нашли авиакомпанию, которая согласилась без дополнительных дотаций из регионального бюджета.
В.Путин: Минтранс помогает?
М.Ведерников: Да, Минтранс помогает.
И с РЖД договорились по маршруту Псков – Санкт-Петербург, скоростной поезд «Ласточка».
В.Путин: Хорошо.

Соболезнования в связи с кончиной Эдуарда Успенского

Владимир Путин выразил соболезнования родным и близким, поклонникам таланта Эдуарда Успенского.

Не одно поколение россиян выросло на героях этого знаменитого писателя и впитало в себя добро, которое несли эти герои, отметил Президент.
Советский и российский писатель, автор произведений для детей Эдуард Успенский скончался 14 августа в возрасте 80 лет.

Rep. Jim Himes: ‘This President Is Engineering a Fear Campaign Within the FBI’ –
Rep. Jim Himes: ‘This President Is Engineering a Fear Campaign Within the FBI’
Remember back to the firing of Andrew McCabe, who, the night before he was to qualify for his first pension, is fired. Remember that the president admitted that he fired Jim Comey because of the Russia pressure, as he put it. It is very clear this and more »
GUEST COLUMN: The Russians are back. It’s time to do something. – Red and Black

Red and Black
GUEST COLUMN: The Russians are back. It’s time to do something.
Red and Black
Last Thursday, the titans of the US intelligence community— Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, NSA Director Paul Nakasone, FBI Director Christopher Wray, along with National Security Advisor John Bolton—came …
Was Another FBI Agent Thrown Under the Bus for Trump? – New York Times

New York Times
Was Another FBI Agent Thrown Under the Bus for Trump?
New York Times
But Robert Mueller, the special counsel, dismissed him from the Trump-Russia investigation over concern that his text messages — exchanged on F.B.I. phones with a colleague, Lisa Page, with whom Mr. Strzok was having an affair — would create the …
How anti-Trump texts ruined the career of the FBI’s go-to agentSFGateall 57 news articles »
As Trump keeps raging at Mueller, another poll shows his lies are … – Washington Post

Washington Post

As Trump keeps raging at Mueller, Mueller, another poll shows his lies are 
Washington Post
No, Trump is not “winning” his war with the special counsel.
Trump-appointed judge upholds special counsel Mueller’s authorityCNN failing
Washington Post
One place this constantly manifests itself is with special counsel Robert S. Mueller’s III’s investigation: IfMueller’s approval falls a few points, a throng of pundits and hand-wringing liberals rushes forth to tell us that Trump is “winning” his …
CNN poll: Most say Mueller should try to end investigation before Election DayCNN
Here’s how Trump can end the whole Mueller investigation farceFox News

Fourth Judge Upholds Mueller AppointmentWall Street Journal 
Don’t make a deal: America needs a Mueller-Trump confrontation over rule of lawUSA TODAY
SFGateMyAJCBusiness Insider
all 292 
all 269
 news articles »
When Trump faces a negative story, Fox News pivots to the economy – Washington Post

Washington Post
When Trump faces a negative story, Fox News pivots to the economy
Washington Post
When former FBI director James BComey testified in June 2017, Fox Business’ Stuart Varney called the media’s coverage a “disgrace” for not focusing more on the economy. After a February poll showed that most Americans think Trump is a racist, Fox …
Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is Already Raking in Major Cash For His Corruption – Townhall

Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is Already Raking in Major Cash For His Corruption
When Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was fired earlier this year, he too started a fund and raked in more than $500,000 dollars. McCabe was fired for being serial liar during his time at the Bureau, which included making false statements under oath 
Here’s how Trump can end the whole Mueller investigation farceFox News
FBI agent Strzok, who criticised Trump in text messages, is firedFiji Times
In Peter Strzok, Trump haters have picked a truly repulsive martyr to their causeAmerican Thinker (blog)
The Keene Sentinel –GoFundMe
all 139 news articles »
Mueller Is Closing in on Roger Stone – Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Mueller Is Closing in on Roger Stone
Vanity Fair
As Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference churns on, the list of individuals the special counsel hasn’t interviewed is arguably as interesting as those he has. And given his communications with WikiLeaks and Russian hacker Guccifer 2 
Roger Stone ally: Mueller has ‘concern’ about Stone’s 2016 predictionsCNN
Signs grow that Mueller is zeroing in on Roger Stone | TheHill The Hill
‘Manhattan Madam’ warns: There is ’cause for concern’ that Mueller  team is after Roger Stone Washington Examiner
Mother Jones Law & Crime
all 55 

all 44
 news articles »
Banks on alert from FBI about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions – USA TODAY

Banks on alert from FBI about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions
“The FBI has obtained unspecified reporting indicating cyber criminals are planning to conduct a global Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cash-out scheme in the coming days, likely associated with an unknown card issuer breach and commonly referred to as …
FBI warns banks of worldwide ATM hack threatKGO-TV
FBI warns
of potential ATM bank heist that could steal millions globallyThe Verge 
ATM hack: FBI warns banks about potential scheme – CNN MoneyCNNMoney
Marketplace.orgKrebs on Security
The FBI Says There’s Going to be a Huge Bank Heist in the Coming DaysFortune
FBI said to warn of “unlimited” ATM cash-out schemeCBS News
CNNMoneyfox8.comMarkets Insider
 –Krebs on Security

all 245 130 news articles »
Trump Blames Attorney General, Fired FBI Agent for Russia Probe – Voice of America

Voice of America
Trump Blames Attorney General, Fired FBI Agent for Russia Probe
Voice of America
U.S. President Donald Trump unleashed new attacks Tuesday on Attorney General Jeff Sessions and fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, blaming them for the investigation of Russian links to his 2016 U.S. presidential campaign that has consumed his presidency. 
Former FBI official: Firing Strzok was justified – he, Comey and McCabe disgraced the
Was Another FBI Agent Thrown Under the Bus for Trump?New York Times
Congressman Cicilline Calls FBI Agent’s Firing ‘Disturbing’U.S. News & World Report
GoFundMe Page Raises $250000 for Peter Strzok After Firing From FBIFox News 
How anti-Trump texts ruined the career of the FBI’s go-to agentSFGate
Fundraiser by Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok : Support for FBI Veteran Pete Strzok – GoFundMeGoFundMe
all 289 Insider
all 193
 news articles »
Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Think Mueller Should Try to End Russia Probe before Midterms – National Review

National Review
Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Think Mueller Should Try to End Russia Probe before Midterms
National Review
Sixty-six percent of voters — including 57 percent of Democrats, 72 percent of Republicans, and 69 percent of independents — want Special Counsel Robert Mueller to try to wrap up his investigation into Russian election interference before November’s …
2 in 3 want the Mueller probe done by the midtermsThe Week Magazineall 41 news articles »
FBI rounds out cyber leadership with key appointments – The Hill

The Hill
FBI rounds out cyber leadership with key appointments
The Hill
FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday announced a series of key cyber appointments to round out the bureau’s leadership team. Wray tapped Amy Hess to serve as the FBI’s executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services …
Louisville FBI agent named Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services BranchWBKOall 3 news articles »
Louisville’s FBI chief departing for job at FBI headquarters – Louisville Business First

Louisville Business First
Louisville’s FBI chief departing for job at FBI headquarters
Louisville Business First
After serving for two years as the special agent in charge of the Louisville Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Amy Hess is leaving the post to take a position at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Hess has been named executive 
FBI Announces Executive AppointmentsFederal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)
FBI selects cyber, IT
Louisville FBI agent named Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services BranchWBKO
Courier Journal – –WAVE 3
all 10 news articles »


Home Page –  The Case of Francisco Reyes Caparrós 

Try COINTELPRO on them! Pepper-spray them from the motorcycles! 

Disclaimer and Clarification for our most studious and brightest FBI investigators: this title is the literary device of irony, not a call to violence. So give your new “carpetas” the correct tags and labels, dance ethically and esthetically, keep your guns securely holstered, and do not drink too much. Are they able or willing to understand the difference? Hopefully, they kapish. They are not that dumb. Hopefully. Most importantly, address the issues.

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The News and Times of Puerto Rico
6:03 PM 8/14/2018 – Any Analysis, Understanding, and the Interpretations (“readings” of persons, situations, etc.), in “practical matters” (“non-practical matters” have a very different value systems, truth and knowledge have the independent intrinsic values) is only as good as the prognosis and the recommendations that are based on them.  It is not a science, and it definitely is not the exact science. Just like in Medicine, it is an “educated guess and opinion” about what might happen in the future.  M.N.
3:30 AM 8/12/2018 – Cyber Security Review: The Russian “Treasure Ship” Was Likely a Fraud Meant to Boost a Cryptocurrency Scam | Iranian Hackers Turn to Ransomware, Bitcoin as Economy Stalls
2:56 AM 8/11/2018 – Germany’s Anti-Trump Strategy | Gotham, Village Of Fools, USA
8:21 AM 8/10/2018 – Trump Administration Sanctions Russia Over Spy Poisoning, After Rebuke From Congress – New York Magazine – Saved Stories
5:42 PM 8/7/2018 – Saved Stories
5:36 PM 8/7/2018 – Beryl – Wikipedia – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 
1:41 PM 8/7/2018 – Ole says: Hurricane, Be Real! – Huracán Beryl causó depresiones en Estados Unidos – Segundo Enfoque-Jul 7, 2018 – Ernst Uhrlau – Google Search
7:16 AM 8/3/2018 – The Real Demiurge and The Hermeneutic Circle – Review
12:10 AM 7/30/2018 – Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: German Hypothesis Trump and 9/11 – Google Search
1:27 PM 7/27/2018 – FBI: Email swindlers have now redirected as much as $12bn in payments – CSO Australia | Irregularities plague Puerto Rico Corrections Department phone deal – Caribbean Business
1:09 PM 7/24/2018 – The Hapsburg Group: Ernst Uhrlau – Gerhard Schroeder – Vladimir Putin – Hapsburg Group – Manafort – Trump – CONNECTION
6:22 AM 7/23/2018 – Opinion | What the Russia Hack Indictments Reveal About Bitcoin – NYTimes
8:34 AM 7/19/2018 – Two children attacked by sharks off Long Island, officials say – Fox News | Selected Articles Review
11:07 AM 7/18/2018 – How to Disrupt an Election with Cryptocurrency
7:26 AM 7/18/2018 – Russia-U.S. Military Ties Strengthen While Political Ties Fray – WSJ
In The Infinity And Wilderness of Mirrors They Dance: The Meshuggah – Demiurge Or The German Hypothesis Of The Operations “Trump” And “9/11” – By Michael Novakhov
4:21 PM 7/14/2018 – If Mueller is conducting a witch hunt, he sure is finding a lot of witches – WP
7:57 AM 7/14/2018 – Cryptocurrency Industry in a CRYPTO-STATE of Puerto Rico, and the Bitcoins, REVISITED: “So, in 2016, the Russians came up with a new way to secure money — they created it by mining their own Bitcoins.”
4:51 PM 7/9/2018 – Update | The Demiurge – By Michael Novakhov: The Operations “Trump” And “9/11”
6:05 AM 7/7/2018 – Open Letter to San Juan Police Chief, Mr. Calderon
3:49 AM 7/7/2018 – Hurricane Beryl, First Hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic Season, Forecast to Rapidly Weaken Near Lesser Antilles – The Weather Channel
5:13 AM 7/2/2018 – Nazi official Heinrich Himmler’s daughter worked for West German intelligence |  Michael Cohen teases new interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos – The Hill |  Oil drops after Trump tweets about output hike – Financial Times |  Trump Calls His Critics ‘Very Dangerous For The Country’ |  Trump congratulates Mexico’s new president: ‘I look very much forward to working with him’ – The Hill
4:25 PM 6/30/2018 – Latest Posts
FBI vs Global Russian Jewish Mafia (GRJM) – News Review
9:50 AM 6/26/2018 – The FBI Crisis Of 2018 – News Review

Video News – Page

1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (71 sites)
RussiaToday’s YouTube Videos: UN peacekeepers to return to Golan Heights after jihadists repelled

From: RussiaToday
Duration: 03:13

UN peacekeepers are set to return to the Golan Heights after the area was liberated from jihadists. However, the region is still hotly contested: Syria & Israel have been fighting over it for decades. READ MORE:
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1. News in Photos from mikenova (6 sites) World News: Israel Reopens Gaza’s Only Commercial Crossing Amid Fragile Calm

Israel reopened Gaza’s only commercial crossing, removing severe restrictions put in place last month as talks progress over a long-term cease-fire deal between the two World News

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The News and Times from mikenova (24 sites)
mikenov on Twitter: karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search…
Puerto Rico News from mikenova (52 sites): mikenov on Twitter: karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search…
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: gerhard schroeder – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: schroeder – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: schroeder – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: schroeder – Google Search World News: Israel Reopens Gaza’s Only Commercial Crossing Amid Fragile Calm
1. US Security from mikenova (85 sites): Security Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Cyber Resilience From Marsh & McLennan’s 2018 Cyber Handbook
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: karl marx 2018 anniversary – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: karl marx 200th anniversary – Google Search World News: Immigrants, With Their Split Identities, Trigger Soul-Searching in Germany
1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 08-15-2018 8AM ET
1. Russia from mikenova (112 sites): В мире – Новости Google: This RSS feed URL is deprecated
1. US Security from mikenova (85 sites): Just Security: The Early Edition: August 15, 2018
Saved Stories – None: Italian leaders demand resignations at company operating collapsed bridge
Saved Stories – None: Wi-fi could be used to detect weapons and bombs
Saved Stories – None: Death toll in Italy bridge collapse rises to at least 39 – USA TODAY
Saved Stories – None: Italy bridge operator in spotlight as collapse death toll rises


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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search
Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and Trump-Russia Affair as the leftist cover of german intelligence – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary, sdp, and “Trump-Russia Affair” – Google Search
gerhard schroeder – Google Search
schroeder – Google Search
schroeder – Google Search
schroeder – Google Search
karl marx 2018 anniversary – Google Search
karl marx 200th anniversary – Google Search
putin merkel meeting – Google Search
bolton patrushev meeting – Google Search
Bolton to Stop in Israel Ahead of Meeting with Russians | The Jewish Press – | David Israel | 4 Elul 5778 – August 15, 2018
Bolton To Meet Russian Official In Geneva Next Week
Tourists snap up ′zero euro′ bills with Karl Marx′s image | Lifestyle | DW
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
schroeder as закройщик – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for schroeder as закройщик

schroeder as закройщик – Google Search