
Putin continues his blackmail: brazenly, shamelessly, aggressively, endlessly; Moscow bazar style. The post-Soviet 20 years aberration, which will be resolved eventually, and better sooner than later. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: Putin Warns Biden of ‘Complete Rupture’ of U.S.-Russia Relationship Over Ukraine “A broader challenge of the crisis is Russia pointing a gun at Ukraine’s head while asking the West to make concessions, and that has been the dynamic here.” – Samuel Charap.

Putin continues his blackmail: brazenly, shamelessly, aggressively, endlessly; Moscow bazar style. The post-Soviet 20 years aberration, which will be resolved eventually, and better sooner than later.

Putin Warns Biden of ‘Complete Rupture’ of U.S.-Russia Relationship Over Ukraine

“A broader challenge of the crisis is Russia pointing a gun at Ukraine’s head while asking the West to make concessions, and that has been the dynamic here.” – Samuel Charap.