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What did I achieve in 2022? Erm, let me get back to you on that one | Arwa Mahdawi

What healthy habits did I take up in 2022? I’m racking my brain, searching for scraps of self-improvement, but I’ve had a hard time finding any

It’s humblebragging season. Around this time of year newspapers are stuffed to the brim with articles about what so-and-so achieved in 2022 and what they hope to achieve in 2023. They read a book a day! They gave up alcohol! They gave up social media! They took up wild swimming!

Me? I did none of those things. Especially not wild swimming, which is a peculiarly British obsession. There’s nothing Brits love more than turning something objectively miserable into a hobby. Long muddy walks, beans on toast, swimming in freezing cold lakes: if it’s damp and vaguely masochistic, Brits are all over it.

Arwa Mahdawi is a Guardian columnist

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