Counterintelligence Elections 2016 German Intelligence Services Hypotheses Interpretations Mueller Investigation My Opinion - Michael Novakhov Recommendations Salisbury Poisoning News Updates Sergey Skripal

I respectfully recommend to Mr. Mueller to interview, depose, subpoena, or to interrogate Sergei Skripal – Salisbury Poisoning – LATEST – 9:50 AM 10/13/2018

Open Letter
To DOJ, for Mr. Mueller
I respectfully recommend to Mr. Mueller to interview, depose, subpoena, or to interrogate Sergei Skripal as the part of his investigation. It looks like he might be one of the main masterminds and the culprits of the Operation Trump. 
I also respectfully advise that Mr. Skripal may be overtly or covertly mentally ill. 
It appears that his motivations were to reunite Ukraine and Russia and to restore the USSR via the re-installation of the Yanukovich regime. His web of connections has to be explored. It appears also that he might be the main author or one of the authors of “Steel dossier”. It also looks like he signals that he might have more materials of this kind in his posession, which he intends to use to establish the “TLConnections in the right places”. 
It is also quite possible that he was the main organizer and inspiration behind the capture of Crimea and the War in Donbass, which he apparently intended to offer to Russia in exchange for assistance in re-installing Yanukivich. For Russians the Donbass was not worth the global outcry and the economic blockade, so they did not make a deal. Yanukovich probably, did not want to sacrifice Donbass for his return eihther, so this plan came to naught. 
“The amazing “coincidenceOn March 2, 2018, Friday: Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv, Separatists.
The same day March 2, 2018, the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. 
It is possible that the team brought the message directly from Yanukovych and/or others confirming that the separatist war in Donbass is over
Hypothetically, Skripal got hysterical and staged his own and his daughters’s poisoning, sending the message back: “YOU POISONED ME!” 
I think that the information that could be obtained from Skripal holds the keys to many answers. I think that he has to be very carefully investigated. One of the most intriguing quiestions are his connections with the “New Abwehr”. Please see my blogs for more details. 
I think that to interview Yanukovych, and the related and significant others, is also a very good idea. 
Sincerely, Michael Novakhov

Salisbury Poisoning – LATEST – 9:50 AM 10/13/2018


Salisbury Journal

Salisbury L iterary Festival 2018 celebrating city’s great writers

In 2017, the festival’s Salisbury Greats strand focused on the work of William Golding, Terry Pratchett and John Creasey…. Dorothy L Sayers went to school in Salisbury at Godolphin and her debut novel, Whose Body?



Sky News

‘GRU tries to clean up Russia’s own mess’

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Skripal – Russia News: In The Eye of the Storm: “А где Федот (который не тот)?” – M.N. (Very reasonable question.) – Russia is the inseparable part of the Western Civilization | “Yakovenko delivers masterclass…” | “I gave you ZIZ!”- 5:12 AM 10/13/2018

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko – Google Search   Channel 4 News – 13 hours ago One person who’s got to know Arron Banks reasonably well is Russia’s  ambassador  to the UK.  Alexander Yakovenko  has met the Brexit backer … Sky News – 14 hours ago Alexander Yakovenko  admitted relations between London and Moscow were “very low”, but continued to deny any Russian involve


Сергей Скрипаль


Яковенко: В Москве не знают, жив ли Скрипаль

В Москве не знают, жив ли пострадавший при отравлении в Солсбери экс-сотрудник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль и где он сейчас находится, так же, как и его дочь Юлия. «Никто не видел Скрипалей с 4 марта. Нет никакой информации», — заявил в пятницу на пресс-конференции посол России в Великобритании Александр Яковенко. Как передает «Интерфакс» , посол уточнил, что обвиняемые Лондоном в отравлении Скрипал


chemical weapons in Syria

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Chemical weapons treaty: Time for chemical industry to step up

Image courtesy of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, The Hague, Netherlands…. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is at a crossroads.


Germany AND Novichok

Yahoo News UK

NAFTA’s replacement will have to do, Untangling the Skripal poisoning case, In US tariff talks, Japan should push …

Trudeau will take it.” Deutsche Welle / Bonn, Germany UNTANGLING THE SKRIPAL POISONING CASE “The true identity of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspected perpetrator of the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, is Anatoliy Chepiga, a Russian colonel who has been personally honored by President Vladimir Putin…,” writes Ingo Mannteufel.


boshirov petrov hacking


Poisoning suspect honored by Putin in 2014, UK group says

LONDON (AP) — One of the two suspects in the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy in England is a medical doctor in Russian military intelligence who was honored as a Hero of the Russian Federation by President Vladimir Putin in 2014, a group of British investigators said Tuesday. British police say two GRU agents traveling under the aliases Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Borishov used a Soviet-made ne



BBC News


salisbury novichok

Salisbury Novichok suspects ‘were detained in Netherlands earlier this year’

Prior European Operations Disclosed via @bellingcat — Bellingcat (@bellingcat) September 20, 2018 Britain has named Petrov and Boshirov as suspects in an attempt to kill Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with the Soviet-designed nerve agent Novichok.


chemical weapons in Syria

United News of India

Militants aiming high with chemical weapons in Syria: Russia

More News 13 Oct 2018 | 3:52 PM Monterey, Oct 13 (UNI) Addressing the deteriorating relations between Russia and the US, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said here that the present situation between the two countries was going through a tough time, thus negatively affecting the international peace and security.  Share see more.. 13 Oct 2018 | 3:38 PM Islamabad, Oct 13 (UNI) Pakistan h


chemical weapons in Syria

The Times

Idlib assault: UK ready to bomb Syria if Assad uses chemical weapons

Britain is preparing to join the United States and France in launching waves of airstrikes against Syria if the Assad regime uses chemical weapons in Idlib, where three million civilians are trapped by a looming offensive.


ФСБ в Твери завершит мероприятия форума “Я

ФСБ в Твери завершит мероприятия форума “Я – патриот” сегодня в 13:31, просмотров: 47 13 октября на площадке академического театра драмы в Твери состоится форум «Я-патриот» с участием представителей Правительства Тверской области, регионального Управления ФСБ России, силовых структур, воспитанников военно-патриотических клубов и объединений, юнармейцев, школьников. Это финальное событие «Дней обр


chemical weapons

United News of India

Militants aiming high with chemical weapons in Syria: Russia

More News 13 Oct 2018 | 3:52 PM Monterey, Oct 13 (UNI) Addressing the deteriorating relations between Russia and the US, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said here that the present situation between the two countries was going through a tough time, thus negatively affecting the international peace and security.  Share see more.. 13 Oct 2018 | 3:38 PM Islamabad, Oct 13 (UNI) Pakistan h


putin on suspects in Skripal poisoning

Yahoo News

NAFTA’s replacement will have to do, Untangling the Skripal poisoning case, In US tariff talks, Japan should push …

Trudeau will take it.” Deutsche Welle / Bonn, Germany UNTANGLING THE SKRIPAL POISONING CASE “The true identity of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspected perpetrator of the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, is Anatoliy Chepiga, a Russian colonel who has been personally honored by President Vladimir Putin…,” writes Ingo Mannteufel.


gen. gerasimov



Germany AND Novichok

Yahoo News

NAFTA’s replacement will have to do, Untangling the Skripal poisoning case, In US tariff talks, Japan should push …

Trudeau will take it.” Deutsche Welle / Bonn, Germany UNTANGLING THE SKRIPAL POISONING CASE “The true identity of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspected perpetrator of the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, is Anatoliy Chepiga, a Russian colonel who has been personally honored by President Vladimir Putin…,” writes Ingo Mannteufel.


russian military intelligence

Tampa Bay Times



Salisbury Post

The 1958 Class of Mt. Ulla High School

Ulla High School Salisbury Post Full coverage


Anatoliy Chepiga

Christian Science Monitor

NAFTA’s replacement will have to do, Untangling the Skripal poisoning case, In US tariff talks, Japan should push …

Trudeau will take it.” Deutsche Welle / Bonn, Germany Untangling the Skripal poisoning case “The true identity of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspected perpetrator of the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, is Anatoliy Chepiga, a Russian colonel who has been personally honored by President Vladimir Putin…,” writes Ingo Mannteufel.


Боширов и Петров


Полиция обыскала цыганское трио. По 10 уголовным делам петербурженок отследили видеокамеры ТРК, как Боширова и Петрова

Полиция обыскала цыганское трио. По 10 уголовным делам петербурженок отследили видеокамеры ТРК, как Боширова и Петрова Следствие Петербурга предъявило претензии трем дамам. Им вменяют серию карманных краж, совершенных за полгода в торгово-развлекательных центрах города. В отличии от аналогичных случаев, подозреваемых не задерживали с поличным. «Фонтанка» узнала, что даже консервативные оперативни



The Guardian

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid the war on truth

They travelled to the UK as “Alexander Petrov” and “Ruslan Boshirov”…. “Boshirov” is Anatoliy Chepiga , a GRU colonel.


putin on suspects in Skripal poisoning

Christian Science Monitor

NAFTA’s replacement will have to do, Untangling the Skripal poisoning case, In US tariff talks, Japan should push …

Trudeau will take it.” Deutsche Welle / Bonn, Germany Untangling the Skripal poisoning case “The true identity of Ruslan Boshirov, a suspected perpetrator of the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, is Anatoliy Chepiga, a Russian colonel who has been personally honored by President Vladimir Putin…,” writes Ingo Mannteufel.


chemical weapons


Russia has information on upcoming chemical weapons provocations in Idlib — envoy

Russia has obtained intelligence that militants are plotting provocations with the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the OPCW, Ambassador to the Netherlands Alexander Shulgin told TASS on Friday.


West accuses Russian spy agency GRU of scores of attacks

BRUSSELS — The United States and other Western nations leveled a torrent of new allegations against Moscow’s secretive GRU military spy agency on Thursday, accusing its agents of hacking anti-doping agencies, plane crash investigations and a chemical weapons probe as well as launching cyberattacks that rocked America’s 2016 election and crippled Ukraine in 2017.


Newspaper says Turkey has audio of Saudi writer’s slaying

It echoes how Russia has described the men who allegedly carried out the Novichok nerve agent poisonings in Salisbury, England, in March.


russian military intelligence

The Guardian

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid the war on truth

Six months later Theresa May says the would-be assassins are officers with Russian military intelligence.


ФСБ обнаружила нарколабораторию в бане под Красноярском

Сотрудники управления ФСБ по Красноярскому краю установили, что житель региона разместил в бане на дачном участке своего знакомого оборудование для переработки наркотического сырья. Ингредиенты для производства синтетического наркотика амфетамина производитель заказывал через Интернет и получал по почте. Зелье сбывал оптовыми партиями в Красноярске. В бане ФСБ обнаружила более трех килограммов на


Создатель знаменитого яда «Новичок» рассказал, о чем врет Путин

Российские власти, несмотря на все разоблачения, продолжают отрицать свою причастность к отравлению в Солсбери . Своим мнением о причастности российской власти к отравлению в Солсбери поделился один из создателей «Новичка» российский ученый Владимир Углев, передает НАРОДНА ПРАВДА со ссылкой на «Радио Свобода» . Углем принимал участие в работе по поиску, разработке и боевому применению отравляющих


Боширов и Петров

Радио Свобода

Песков: Петров и Боширов “не нарушали никаких законов”

Правоохранительные органы в России не будут предпринимать никаких действий в отношении Александра Петрова и Руслана Боширова, которых в Британии обвиняют в покушении на убийство бывшего агента ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери Юлии. Об этом заявил в пятницу пресс-секретарь президента России Дмитрий Песков. По его словам, они не нарушали никаких законов на территории России и Кремлю “не известно, ч



ABC Local

Russian ambassador reiterates denials over UK Novichok poisoning

The Russian ambassador to the UK has addressed the foreign media in a lengthy press conference, countering accusations from the UK, US and their allies that Russia has been involved in a global cyber-hacking campaign and was behind the nerve agent attack in the British city of Salisbury.


putin on suspects in Skripal poisoning

Daily Mail

Did two Russian spies who poisoned Skripals have an accomplice? ‘Third man’ who flew into and out of UK at same …

A third Russian flew in and out of the UK at the same time as the two GRU agents accused of poisoning the Skripals with novichok, raising questions about whether they had an accomplice. The man, using the alias Sergey Fedotov, 45, flew to London on March 2, the same day as military intelligence agents Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov – but on a different flight, a leading Russian news agency



Salisbury Post

The Boyden High School Class of 1963

The Boyden High School Class of 1963 Salisbury Post Full coverage


chemical weapons in Syria


Meet The Internet Researchers Unmasking Russian Assassins

They’ve used commercial satellite images to track Chinese airbases; watched security operations unfold on social media in Venezuela; and pinpointed the locations of chemical weapons attacks in Syria.


boshirov AND petrov

The Guardian

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid the war on truth

They travelled to the UK as “Alexander Petrov” and “Ruslan Boshirov”…. “Boshirov” is Anatoliy Chepiga , a GRU colonel.


boshirov petrov hacking

The Guardian

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid the war on truth

A retired spy and his daughter are found slumped on a park bench in Salisbury. Someone tried to kill them. The poison is novichok , a Soviet-era nerve agent. Six months later Theresa May says the would-be assassins are officers with Russian military intelligence. They travelled to the UK as “Alexander Petrov” and “Ruslan Boshirov”. Not true, says Moscow. Last month the two men appeared on RT , th


Anatoliy Chepiga

The Guardian

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid the war on truth

“Boshirov” is Anatoliy Chepiga , a GRU colonel.


руслан боширов


Петров и Боширов исчезли после скандального интервью

Александр Петров и Руслан Боширов, которых Великобритания подозревает в отравлении бывшего сотрудника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери в Солсбери, внезапно исчезли после скандального интервью главному редактору телеканала RT Маргарите Симоньян. Телефоны мужчин отключены.  Об этом сообщила сама Симоньян в интервью BBC Newsnight. По ее словам, Петров и Боширов обещали, что скинут фотографии на


Germany AND Novichok

CNN International

Russians accused over Salisbury poisoning were in city ‘as tourists’

Prosecutors say the Skripals came into contact with Novichok, a military-grade nerve agent…. Just before midday, CCTV footage showed them in the vicinity of Sergei Skripal’s home, where they are believed to have applied Novichok to the front door.


salisbury novichok

The Times

Salisbury novichok attack: We were sports nutritionists on a tourist trip, suspects tell Russian TV

Claims by two suspected Russian hitmen that they were in Salisbury as tourists were dismissed as “ludicrous” by a Whitehall source yesterday…. The pair claimed that they went to Wiltshire to see Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral.


Amesbury Novichok

CNN International

Russians accused over Salisbury poisoning were in city ‘as tourists’

Prosecutors say the Skripals came into contact with Novichok, a military-grade nerve agent…. Just before midday, CCTV footage showed them in the vicinity of Sergei Skripal’s home, where they are believed to have applied Novichok to the front door.


igor korobov

National Post

Pondering the mystery of why the Russians came to Washington

These were Sergey Naryshkin of the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service (under sanction but allowed in under a special dispensation from State Department), Igor Korobov of the GU (formerly GRU), Russia’s military intelligence agency, and Aleksandr Bortnikov of the FSB, the internal security and intelligence service.


salisbury poisoning

The New Yorker

The Russian Fitness Instructors Who Wanted to See Salisbury Cathedral but Ended Up Poisoning Sergei Skripal

Skripal was poisoned with a nerve agent in the cathedral city of Salisbury, earlier this year…. That weekend, Britain’s extensive network of CCTV cameras recorded the men making two visits to Salisbury from London—one for a couple of hours on Saturday, and another, longer trip on Sunday, when images showed them not far from where Skripal lived, in a quiet cul-de-sac away from the city center.


chemical weapons in Syria


Germany, France say they cannot idly stand by over use of chemical weapons in Syria

In response, Germany’s von der Leyen noted a “credible deterrent” might be needed to prevent the further use of chemical weapons in Syria.



Salisbury Post

High school volleyball: Standings, revised schedules

Standings, revised schedules Salisbury Post Full coverage


Anatoliy Chepiga

Yeni Şafak English

Russia rejects claim on IDs of Salisbury suspects

Russia rejects claim on IDs of Salisbury suspects Yeni Şafak English Russia hits back at Britain over hacking, assassination claims and says relations are at ‘low levels’ Putin brands Sergei Skripal a ‘scumbag’ and a ‘traitor’ Daddyhood Full coverage


Anatoliy Chepiga


Meet The Internet Researchers Unmasking Russian Assassins

Anatoly Chepiga…. Subsequent searches of databases turned up numerous links between Chepiga and the GRU, including his photo on the wall of the military academy where he trained.


wagner group ukraine

The New Republic

Brett Kavanaugh isn’t an electoral boon for Republicans after all.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Chief of Staff John Kelly sat down with New York ’s Olivia Nuzzi to do a very normal thing: explain, over and over again, that the White House is not a circus . “ We have a very smooth-running organization even though it’s never reported that way. So the real story is that. It’s really the real st


Нелегальный цех по переработке трепанга нашла ФСБ во Владивостоке

Трепанг. Фото: пресс-группа Пограничного управления ФСБ России по Приморскому краю Нелегальный цех по переработке трепанга нашла ФСБ во Владивостоке В грязных ванных в частном доме на Русском варили и хранили «морской огурец» 12 октября, PrimaMedia. Нелегальный цех по переработке трепанга обнаружен сотрудниками Пограничного управления ФСБ России по Приморскому краю и УМВД по Владивостоку на остро


Сергей Скрипаль

новая Скрипаль!

Отравившаяся пиццей в Солсбери бывшая россиянка: Я

Бывший британский шпион Сергей Скрипаль , деклассированные элементы из Эймсбери – этих «важных» целей для умерщвления жутким ядом Кремлю, видимо, мало. Теперь в покушении на свою жизнь обвинила лично президента России эмигрировавшая в Британию нижегородская модель Анна Шапиро . 30-летняя блондинка, чьи страницы в соцсетях забиты полуголыми снимками, зашла вместе с мужем-англичанином Алексом Кинго


Israel’s New F-35s vs. Russia’s S-300s in Syria (Who Wins in a Shootout?)

“We have finished personnel recruitment and have begun to train them,” Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday according to the state-owned TASS news agency.



Khmer Times

Russia to send S-300 air defense system to Syria

MOSCOW ( Xinhua ) – Russia will supply the S-300 air defense system and identification, friend or foe (IFF) equipment to Syria after its Il-20 surveillance plane was mistakenly downed by Syria’s S-200 system, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.


Russia And China Will Now Hold Military Exercises ‘On A Regular Basis’

Sergei Shoigu said as much when he hosted his Chinese counterpart Gen…. “We have agreed to hold such exercises on a regular basis,” Shoigu said in a  statement.



BBC News

Russia GRU claims: UK points finger at Kremlin’s military intelligence

At the time, some of the attacks were linked to Russia – but this is the first time the UK has singled out the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service…. GRU, WADA, Kremlin hackers – it’s a diabolical perfume.”



Salisbury Post

Faith Briefs Oct. 12-14

12-14 Salisbury Post Full coverage



Salisbury Post

Committee members for 2019 Heart Ball announced

Committee members for 2019 Heart Ball announced Salisbury Post Full coverage



Salisbury Post

Elected officials share successes, struggles at Mayors’ Roundtable

Elected officials share successes, struggles at Mayors’ Roundtable Salisbury Post Full coverage



Anadolu Agency

Russia rejects claim on IDs of Salisbury suspects

Russia’s Ambassador to London Alexander Yakovenko By Ahmet Gurhan Kartal LONDON The Bellingcat investigative website, which claims to have unmasked the true identities of two suspects in the Salisbury poisoning case, is an instrument of the British deep state and not the media, Russia’s ambassador to London said Friday.


russian military intelligence

Anadolu Agency

Russia rejects claim on IDs of Salisbury suspects

At a press conference at the Russian embassy, Alexander Yakovenko dismissed the website’s claims that Anatoliy Chepiga and Alexander Mishkin are two highly-decorated officers from the Russian military intelligence agency GRU.
